
Baumann Law Office is located in Woodbury, Minnesota, and provides superior legal assistance to residents throughout the state of Minnesota. If you have a question about Minnesota law or require the services of a lawyer, please contact Craig by phone, e-mail, or by filling out the form below. A response will be received as soon as possible and will usually occur within 24 hours. Collect calls are accepted.

All information you provide will be used to help evaluate your case and will be held in strict confidence. Time sensitive messages should not be sent via the Internet instead, please call the phone number listed below.

Communications sent through this site do not establish an attorney-client relationship.

(651) 738-0001
539 Bielenberg Dr, Suite 200; Woodbury, MN 55125

The information on this website is for general information purposes only and is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. Only a lawyer fully informed about the facts of your individual case can effectively render legal counsel. You should consult an attorney for assistance regarding your specific situation.

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